Free Transmissions Diagnostic*

We also offer a free external computer diagnostic test on your vehicle with a separate test drive if necessary. We need to know exactly what is wrong with your vehicle and exactly the area we need to focus on before we begin working on your vehicle. We don’t consider this part of the “job”, which is why it is free to you. It’s kind of like a building contractor that comes to your house and surveys your sand storm damaged rooftop to determine exactly where he needs to repair it and also to determine how much time it should take and the how much the labor will cost you. Has he fixed anything yet, or even lifted a hammer to repair the problem yet? Of course he hasn’t. He’s simply providing you an estimate. This is a necessary start to the process, but the work has yet to commence. We are in the same boat with you. We don’t want to pay the contractor to “look” at the problem. We want to pay him to fix the problem, which is why we would never charge anyone to take a snap-shot of the problem with your vehicle. Free external computer diagnostic look, always.

Free Car Diagnostic in Phoenix*

Not only do we have the best transmission warranty available in Arizona… 3 years or 36,000 miles…

… But if you bring your car in, we’ll give you a free external computer diagnostic!

free diagnostic in Phoenix

That’s right, a free external computer diagnostic right here in good ol’ Phoenix, AZ.  No strings attached.

What else do we do to try and offer the best transmission service Phoenix has ever seen?

We serve the entire Valley… so if you need your vehicle towed to us (up to $100 value), we’ll happily do it for free with major repairs.

We’re so sure about what we do that we’ll go above and beyond to prove it.  No one else offers what we do.  That’s how confident we are and how good our work is.

Give us a call and we’ll get you going.  Also, check out our qualifications.  You’ll see why you’ll want to bring it to us… we have a lifetime of experience doing this.

To reiterate:

  1. Best warranty available in AZ
  2. Free external computer diagnostic
  3. Free towing (up to $100) with major repairs
  4. Financing available upon approval

Thanks!  Look forward to seeing you!

*We offer a FREE external computer diagnostic with a separate test drive if necessary. Some limitations may apply, please contact us for more information.

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Synchrony Finance
Pro-TechTransmission-Snap Finance option